The Seventh-day Adventist Church conducts its activities through ecclesiastical organizations (such as local churches, local conferences and missions, unions, divisions and the General Conference) and a wide array of other entities and corporations established for specific functions aligned with the Church's beliefs, values and mission. The Yearbook (including the online version) presents information on entities, and on institutions established, owned, or controlled by officially recognized Seventh-day Adventist organizations. All information in the Yearbook has been furnished by the organizations themselves and may have changed since submission for this publication.
The Yearbook does not define church structure or describe legal relationships among church entities or any of the listed organizations, most of which are separate legal entities. The Yearbook is intended primarily to identify the many and varied organizations, other than local churches/congregations, through which the Church advances its mission. No listed entity assumes any responsibility for the liabilities, debts, or alleged acts or omissions of any other listed entity simply because of its inclusion in this Yearbook. Persons with grievances or claims against a listed entity must directly address such with the entity involved and not with any other entity or organization.