Organized 2003; reorganized 2012, 2013, 2019, 2020, 2024
Territory: Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, and the United Republic of Tanzania; comprising the East Kenya, Northern Tanzania, and West Kenya Union Conferences; the Burundi, East Congo, Eastern Ethiopia, North East Congo, Rwanda, South Sudan, Southern Tanzania, Uganda, West Congo, and Western Ethiopia Union Missions; the Eritrea Mission Field; and the Sudan Field.
Editor's Note: Credentialed Employees are not being listed in the 2025 Yearbook for divisions, unions, conferences, missions/fields, regions, or field stations.
Statistics (June 30, 2024): Churches, 20,899; membership, 5,508,516; population, 523,995,000 (online statistics).
Telephone: 254 (20) 514-4400; 254-733-333-373, 254-722-203-149 (Mobiles).
E-mail: show.
Website: https://www.ecd.adventist.org.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ECDAdventist.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ecdadventist.
X: https://X.com/ECDAdventist.
Street: Magadi Road; Ongata Rongai; Nairobi; Kenya.
Mailing: Private Bag; Mbagathi 00503; Nairobi; Kenya.
President, Blasious M Ruguri.
Secretary, Musa G Mitekaro; Undersecretary, Tom Arunga Ogal, Associate Secretary, Robert S Muhune.
Treasurer, Yohannes Olana; Associate Treasurers, Philip Javaid, Jackson Olango; Assistant Treasurer, Eliezer Kibura.
Executive Committee:
Blasious M Ruguri, Chair; Musa Mitekaro, Secretary; Lirenso Abera, Tadesse T Adugna, Clement Mawa Arkangelo, Lamec Barishinga, Geremew D Biru, Jonathan Bizirema, Hesron R Byilingiro, Yvonne Cyurinyana, Peter Delhove, Tsegaye Fesaha, Amanuel T Gosa, Bernard Honga, Mujinjga Ilunga, Vincent Injety, Philip Javaid, Yvette M Kapinga, Madeleine M Kasuta, Fredrick Kiio, Charles Kosgei, Emmanuel H Kumbusu, Godwin Lekundayo, Moses Maka, Samuel Makori, Pendo Malangwa, Mark Malwa Malekana, Debbie Maloba, Samuel Misiani, Winfrida Mitekaro, Paul M Muasya, Robert S Muhune, Noah Kasereka Musema, Andrew Mutero, Rudatinya Mwangachuchu, Samuel Mwebaza, Edison Nsengiyumva, Enoch Ntunzwenimana, Hanington Ntuulo, Herbert Nziku, Elias M Nyangusu, Tom Arunga Ogal, Joel Okindoh, Yohannes Olana, Jackson Olango, Emanuel Pelote, Eustace Penniecook, Jean T Rubuz, Lari Rusenescu, Christopher Ungani.
Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, and Youth Ministries, Samuel Mwebaza.
Children's Ministries, and Women's Ministries, Debbie Maloba.
Communication, Emanuel Pelote.
Education, Andrew Mutero.
Family Ministries, Winfrida Mitekaro.
Health Ministries, Fesaha Tsegaye.
Ministerial Association, Herbert Nziku; Evangelism, Joel Okindoh; Ministerial Spouses Association, ___.
Planned Giving and Trust Services, and Stewardship Ministries, Edison Nsengiyumva.
Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Joel Okindoh.
Publishing Ministries, Jonathan Bizirema.
Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Noah K Musema.
Other Ministries and Services:
Adventist AIDS International Ministry (Tri-division office serving the East-Central Africa, Southern Africa-Indian Ocean, and West-Central Africa Divisions). 30 Peter Place; Block B, Bryanston 2060; South Africa. Mailing: P.O. Box 1823; Cramerview 2060; South Africa. Telephone: 27 (11) 463-1804; 27 (81) 214-1666; 27 (82) 657-7547. Regional Director, Bangwato Sikwa-Ramabu.
Adventist World Radio, Africa Region (includes East-Central Africa, Southern Africa-Indian Ocean, and West-Central Africa Divisions). 1 Milbanke Court; Milbanke Way; Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 1RP; England. Telephone: 44 (1344) 401-401. Fax: 44 (1344) 401-419. General Vice President, Ray Allen; Program Coordinator, Vasili Makarchuk.
Global Mission, Musyoka Paul Muasya.
Satellite Evangelism, Emanuel Pelote.
Spirit of Prophecy, and Voice of Prophecy, Jonathan Bizirema.
Volunteer Services, Robert Muhune.
ADRA Africa Regional Office (Tri-division serving the East-Central Africa, Southern Africa-Indian Ocean, and West-Central Africa Divisions). Magadi Road; Ongata Rongai; Nairobi; Kenya. Mailing: Private Bag; Mbagathi 00503; Nairobi; Kenya. Telephone: 254 (20) 660-3623/4/5. E-mail: show. Director, Peter Delhove (E-mail: show); Finance Director, Dibden Chileya; Emergency Management Coordinator, Hannah Ndung'u.
System Codes: EntityID: 20731; OrgMastID: AF1111; AdmFieldID: ECD.