Seventh-day Adventist Online Yearbook - LIVE!

Welcome to the Seventh-day Adventist Online Yearbook! The Online Yearbook is now LIVE, reflecting changes as they are made to the Yearbook database at the General Conference. To search this live content, use the search box below, or use the Advanced Search page. The content of previous editions can be searched by clicking on a Yearbook cover below, or using the Advanced Search form and choosing the appropriate year. Some older Yearbooks may also be viewed and searched in PDF format. The Adventist Yearbook can be purchased in printed and electronic formats.

More information

The Online Yearbook includes information on the following church entities:

  • General Conference Divisions / Unions / Conferences
  • Educational Institutions (excluding primary schools)
  • Food Industries
  • Healthcare Institutions
  • Media Centers
  • Publishing Houses
  • Radio and TV Stations
  • Risk Management

Not included in the Online Yearbook are the following:

Using the Change Request feature, contact information (address, phone, e-mail, etc.) for organizations and institutions listed in the Yearbook can be updated throughout the year, if submitted by the administration of that entity. (Submission of contact information occurs automatically via the Adventist Directory). Other information, such as administrative and departmental changes, should be submitted to Union or Division personnel for review. Union and Division personnel can then submit the updated information to the Yearbook Editor. The new changes may be available online before the next Yearbook is printed.

Browse by Adventist World Divisions

General Conference
World Map of SDA Divisions South American Division (SAD) Inter-American Division (IAD) North American Division (NAD) South-Pacific Division (SPD) Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) West-Central Africa Division (WAD) East-Central Africa Division (ECD) Euro-Asia Division (ESD) Southern Asia Division (SUD) Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Middle East and North Africa Union Mission (MENA) Northern Asia-Pacific (NSD) Israel Field (IF) Inter-European Division (EUD) Inter-European Division (EUD) Trans-European Division (TED) Trans-European Division (TED) North American Division (NAD) Inter-American Division (IAD) South American Division (SAD) Trans-European Division (TED) Israel Field (IF) Inter-European Division (EUD) Middle East and North Africa Union Mission (MENA) West-Central Africa Division (WAD) East-Central Africa Division (ECD) Southern Africa-Indian Ocean Division (SID) Euro-Asia Division (ESD) Northern Asia-Pacific Division (NSD) Southern Asia-Pacific Division (SSD) Southern Asia Division (SUD) South-Pacific Division (SPD)