Central Myanmar Mission
Sub Entities
Current Yearbook
Education (1)
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Congregations (59)
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Entered: 12/11/2000
Last Updated: 4/30/2024


Organized 1967

Territory: Kayah, and the southern portion of Shan State; the upper portion of Kayin State; the upper portion of Bago Region; the lower portions of Magway and Mandalay Regions; and Southern Chin State.

Statistics (June 30, 2023): Churches, 33; membership, 5,911; population, 15,691,575 (online statistics).


Telephone: 95 (54) 2823-267; 95-942-248-4400; 95-942-816-6362; 95-942-816-6365.

E-mail: show.

Website: https://cmm.adventistmm.org.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CentralMyanmarMission.

Address: 19/180 Bayintnaung Road; Taungngu 08101; Myanmar.


President, Kalumu Paul.

Secretary, Hla Kun.

Treasurer, Tha Tun Aye.


Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Isaiah Hai.

Children's Ministries, Family Ministries, and Women's Ministries, June Naw.

Communication, and Youth Ministries, Zaw Lin Kyaw.

Education, Kalumu Paul.

Health Ministries, and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Aung Win Shwe.

Ministerial Association (and Evangelism), Isaiah Hai; Ministerial Spouses Association, June Naw.

Planned Giving and Trust Services, and Stewardship Ministries, Hla Kun.

Publishing Ministries, Tha Tun Aye.

Other Ministries and Services:

Adventist Mission, Kalumu Paul.

Adventist Possibility Ministries, and Retirement, Hla Kun.

ASI, Aung Win Shwe.

Adventist World Radio, Zaw Lin Kyaw.

Legal Affairs, Hla Kun.

Nurture, Discipleship, and Reclamation/Integrated Evangelism Lifestyle, Isaiah Hai.

Spirit of Prophecy, Tha Tun Aye.


ADRA, Kalumu Paul.

System Codes: EntityID: 13414; OrgMastID: ATMC11; AdmFieldID: CMYM.