East Indonesia Union Conference
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Entered: 12/11/2000
Last Updated: 1/29/2025


Organized 1964; reorganized 1998, 2024

Territory: Papua, Maluku, Sangihe, Talaud, and Sulawesi; comprising the Manado and North Maluku, Minahasa, and South Sulawesi Conferences; the Bolaang Mongondow and Gorontalo, Central Sulawesi, Luwu Tana Toraja, Maluku, North Minahasa Bitung, Northern Island, Papua, Papua Barat Daya, Papua Tengah, and West Papua Missions.

Statistics (June 30, 2024): Churches, 1,043; membership, 119,548; population, 127,245,754 (online statistics).


Telephone: 62 (431) 847-185, 847-158.

Fax: 62 (431) 846-134, 847-092.

E-mail: show.

Website: https://www.sdaeiuc.org.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gmahkukikt.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/advent.indonesiatimur.

Media/Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/@ADVENTINDONESIATIMUR1964.

Cable: "Adventist," Manado, Sulawesi Utara, Indonesia.


Street: Jl. Sarapung No. 31; Manado 95111, North Sulawesi; Indonesia.

Mailing: P.O. Box 1303; Manado 95013, North Sulawesi; Indonesia.


President, Samuel Yotam Bindosano.

Vice President, Edison Takasanakeng.

Secretary, Ronald A Rantung; Assistant Secretary, Djeis Wenur.

Treasurer, Jefry Ismail; Associate Treasurer/Controller, Larey Wahongan; Chief Accountant, Bryent Bindosano.


Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, Frangky Sepang.

Children's Ministries, and Family Ministries, Grace Tauran Kalengkongan.

Communication, Alvianus Saleppang.

Education, Cornelis Ramschie.

Health Ministries, Ferry Rachman.

Ministerial Association (and Evangelism), Frangky Sepang; Ministerial Spouses Association, Ninfa G Bindosano.

Planned Giving and Trust Services, and Stewardship Ministries, Ramli Mende; Associate, Daud Pangaribuan.

Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Alvianus Saleppang.

Publishing Ministries, John Rumalag; Associate, Trousye Kasenda Lompoliu.

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Agus Inaray.

Women's Ministries, Ninfa G Bindosano.

Youth Ministries, Djunaidi Muntu.

Other Ministries and Services:

Adventist Mission, Gerald Manurip; Associate, Willis Suebu.

Adventist Possibility Ministries, and Prayer Ministries, Frangky Sepang.

AECS, and AMiCUS, Cornelis Ramschie.

Legal Affairs, Vicky Roring.

Literature Ministry Seminary (LMS), Trousye Kasenda Lompoliu; LMS Registrar, Merlyn Ismail Batasina.

Radio Angkat Nafiri, Alvianus Saleppang.

Retirement, Jefry Ismail.

Spirit of Prophecy, Suryanica Aristas Pasuhuk.

System Codes: EntityID: 13408; OrgMastID: ATE111; AdmFieldID: EIUC.