Eastern Ethiopia Union Mission
Sub Entities
Current Yearbook
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Organizational Units (8)
Education (2)
Media Services (1)
Medical (7)
Publishing Houses (1)
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Congregations (1365)
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Entered: 12/9/2019
Last Updated: 1/15/2025


Organized 2019; reorganized 2020

Territory: The eastern portion of Ethiopia, and the Republic of Djibouti; comprised of the Central Ethiopia, North Ethiopia, Northwest Ethiopia, South Central Ethiopia, South East Ethiopia, South Ethiopia, South Green Ethiopia, and South Shewa Ethiopia Fields.

Statistics (June 30, 2024): Churches, 666; membership, 136,409; population, 116,074,859 (online statistics).


Telephone: 251 (11) 551-1199, 551-1151, 551-1160.

E-mail: show.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sdaeeum.

Cable: "Adventist", Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Street: For DHL Packages: Stadium Drive, Opposite Gandhi Hospital; Filowaha, Addis Ababa; Ethiopia.

Mailing: P.O. Box 145; Addis Ababa; Ethiopia.


President, Tadesse Adugna.

Assistant to the President, Angaw Getahun.

Secretary, Negash Petros.

Treasurer, Tihtina Bekele; Associate, Ayana Habtamu.


Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, and Education, Guta Gekadu.

Children's Ministries, Health Ministries, and Women's Ministries, Tarekew Ayichew.

Communication, Sintayehu Kidane.

Family Ministries, and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Angaw Gethaun.

Ministerial Association, Angaw Gethaun; Evangelism, Addisu Mengistu; Ministerial Spouses Association, Tadalech Honelgn.

Planned Giving and Trust Services, and Stewardship Ministries, Addisu Mengistu.

Publishing Ministries, and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Temesgen Bulti.

Youth Ministries, Tesfaye Shibru.

Other Ministries and Services:

Adventist Mission (Global Mission), Adventist-Muslim Relations, and Mission to the Cities, Tesfaye Shibru.

Adventist-Orthodox Relations, Addisu Mengistu.

Adventist Possibility Ministries, and Media Ministries, Sintayehu Kidane.

Adventist Volunteer Service (AVS), Negash Petros.

Gospel Outreach Canada, Guta Fekadu.

HIV/AIDS, Tarekew Ayichew.

Hope Channel Ethiopia, Mihret Dagnew.

Prayer Ministries, Tadalech Honelgn.

Revival and Reformation, Angaw Gethaun.

Spirit of Prophecy, Music Coordinator, Aytegeb Birhanu.

System Codes: EntityID: 54861; OrgMastID: AFI111; AdmFieldID: ENET.