Italian Union of Churches Conference - Sub Entities
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Total Matches: 38         Displaying (1 - 38)          
  Name (Website)
Type &
Chiesa Avventista del 7° giorno di Cesena
Cesena, FC, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista - Napoli ( website )
Napoli, NA, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Bolzano ( website )
Bolzano, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Camisino
Malo (VC), Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Monselice
Monselice (PD), Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Padova ( website )
Padova, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Trento ( website )
Trento, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Verona ( website )
Verona, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Verona ( website )
Verona, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
10  Chiesa Cristiana Avventista del 7° Giorno di Bassano ( website )
Bassano del Grappa, (VI), Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
11  Chiesa Cristiana Avventista di Messina ( website )
Messina, ME, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
12  Chiesa di Milano
Milano, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
13  Chiesa di Trieste ( website )
Trieste (TS), Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
14  Chiesa di Udine ( website )
Udine, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
15  Gravina di Puglia Adventist Church
Gravina (BA), Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
16  Hope Channel Italia ( website )
Rome, Italy
Media Center
Italian Union of Churches Conference
17  HopeMedia Italy ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
18  Italian Adventist University Villa Aurora ( website )
Florence, Italy
University (post grad)
Italian Union of Churches Conference
19  Italian Publishing House ( website )
Florence, Italy
Publishing House
Italian Union of Churches Conference
20  Italian Retirement and Nursing Home ( website )
Rome (RM), Italy
Nursing Home or Ret. Center
Italian Union of Churches Conference
21  Italian Union of Churches Conference ( website )
Rome, Italy
Union of Churches Conference
Italian Union of Churches Conference
22  Radio Voce della Speranza, Gaeta ( website )
Gaeta (LT), Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
23  Romania Adventist Church
Roma, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
24  RVS, Bologna ( website )
Bologna, Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
25  RVS, Catania ( website )
S. Agata Li Battiati (CT), Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
26  RVS, Conegliano ( website )
Conegliano V. (TV), Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
27  RVS, Florence ( website )
Florence, Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
28  RVS, Forli ( website )
Forli, Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
29  RVS, Lecce ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
30  RVS, Magenta ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
31  RVS, Nuoro ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
32  RVS, Palermo ( website )
Palermo, Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
33  RVS, Pieve di Teco ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
34  RVS, Recanati ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
35  RVS, Rome ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
36  RVS, Rovereto ( website )
Rome, Italy
Radio Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
37  RVS, Sciacca ( website )
Sciacca (AG), Italy
Radio or TV Station
Italian Union of Churches Conference
38  Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Florence ( website )
Florence, Italy
Italian Union of Churches Conference
Total Matches: 38         Displaying (1 - 38 )