East Central Peru Conference
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Entered: 12/11/2000
Last Updated: 11/21/2024


Established 1906; reorganized 1996; reorganized, and renamed 2010

Territory: In the Peruvian department of Lima, the province of Huarochiri; and in the province of Lima the districts of Brena, Cercado de Lima, Chaclacayo, Lurigancho Chosica, Rimac, San Juan de Lurigancho, and Vitarte (Huaycan, Pariachi, Santa Clara); in the department of Ancash, the provinces of Aija, Antonio Raimondi, Asuncion, Bolognesi, Carhuaz, Carlos FermIn Fitzcarrald, Huaraz, Huari, Huaylas, Mariscal Luzuriaga, Pomabamba, Recuay, Sihuas, and Yungay; and in the department of Huanuco, the provinces of Bolognesi, Dos de Mayo, Huamalies, Lauricocha, and Maranon.

Statistics (June 30, 2024): Churches, 179; membership, 31,487; population, 2,229,657 (online statistics).


Telephone: 51 (1) 433-7181.

Fax: 51 (1) 433-2607. Initiate call by voice, request Fax line from operator.

E-mail: show.

Website: http://apce.adventistas.org.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adventistasAPCE.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adventistasapce.

Media/Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/c/AdventistasAPCE.

X: https://X.com/AdventistasAPCE.


Street: Jr. Washington 1807, Ofic. 501; Lima; Peru.

Mailing: Casilla 1002; Lima 100; Peru.


President, Omar Bullon.

Secretary, Jheferson Rivera.

Treasurer, Grimaldo Rojas.


Children's Ministries, and Women's Ministries, Delia Fernandez.

Communication, Stewardship Ministries, and Youth Ministries, Anthony Centeno.

Education, and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Enoc Onofrio.

Family Ministries, Carlos Chumbes.

Health Ministries, and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Cristhian Tello.

Ministerial Association, Carlos Chumbes; Evangelism, Cristhian Tello; Ministerial Spouses Association, Delia Fernandez.

Planned Giving and Trust Services, Grimaldo Rojas.

Publishing Ministries, Apolinar Milian.

Other Ministries and Services:

Adolescents' Ministries, Delia Fernandez.

Adventist Solidarity Action, Cristhian Tello.

Adventist Volunteer Service, and Global Mission, Jheferson Rivera.

Spirit of Prophecy, Apolinar Milian.

System Codes: EntityID: 10280; OrgMastID: AQON11; AdmFieldID: NCPC.