South Sudan Union Mission
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Entered: 11/29/2015
Last Updated: 5/20/2024


Organized 2015; reorganized 2020, 2023

Territory: The country of South Sudan; comprised of the Eastern Upper Nile, Greater Bahr el Ghazal, Greater Equatoria, and North-Central Nile Fields.

Statistics (June 30, 2023): Churches, 122; membership, 72,950; population, 11,089,000 (online statistics).

Telephone: (211) 912-334-371.


Street: Bilpfam-Gudele Round About, Plot No. 1, Block 2; Hai-Kuwait, Munuki; Juba; South Sudan.

Mailing: P.O. Box 247; Juba; South Sudan.


President, Clement Joseph Arkangelo Mawa.

Secretary, Daniel Ogwok Ojwan.

Treasurer, Dani Harelimana.


Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries, Health Ministries, Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, and Youth Ministries, Charles Lagu.

Children's Ministries, and Women's Ministries, Deborah Morris Bringi.

Communication, Mark Igga Mona.

Education, Clement Joseph Arkangelo Mawa.

Family Minstries, ___.

Ministerial Association, Mark Igga Mona; Evangelism, Jaco Frungus; Ministerial Spouses Association, Alice Mark.

Planned Giving and Trust Services, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, and Publishing Ministries, Jacob Frungus.

Stewardship Ministries, ___.

Other Ministries and Services:

Adventist-Muslim Relations, Daniel Ogwok Ojwan.

Global Mission, and Gospel Outreach, Jacob Frungus.

Media Ministries, Mark Igga Mona.

Voice of Prophecy, Lagu Charles Darious.


ADRA South Sudan. Street: Bilpfam-Gudele Round About, Plot No. 1, Block 2; Hai-Kuwait, Munuki; Juba; South Sudan. Mailing: P.O. Box 247; Juba; South Sudan. Telephone: 211-912-334-371. E-mail: show.

System Codes: EntityID: 53303; OrgMastID: AFV111; AdmFieldID: SSAT.