West Central Colombian Conference
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Entered: 12/11/2000
Last Updated: 4/16/2024


Organized 1995; reorganized 2008;
Reorganized, and territory divided 2016

Territory: The Colombian province of Antioquia North (the municipalities of Angostura, Belmira, Briceno, Caicedo, Campamento, Carolina, Don Matias, Entrerrios, Girardota, Girardota, Gomez Plata, Guadalupe, Liborina, San Andres de Cuerquia, San Jose de la Montana, San Pedro de los Milagros, Santa Rosa de Osos, Toledo, Valdivia, and Yarumal), West of the Antioquia Province (the municipalities of Abriaqui, Anza, Buritica, Canasgordas, Ebejico Frontino, Giraldo, Heliconia, Ituango, Olaya, Peque, Sabanalarga, San Jeronimo, Sopetran, Santa Fe de Antioquia, and Uramita); Uraba region in the West of Antioquia Province (the municipalities of Apartado, Arboletes, Carepa, Chigorodo, Dabeiba, Mutata, Necocli, San Juan de Uraba, San Pedro de Uraba, and Turbo); Bajo Cauca Region of the Antioquia Province (the municipalities of Caceres, Caucasia, El Bagre, Nechi, Taraza, and Zaragoza); North East municipalities of the Choco province (Acandi, Carmen del Darien, Riosucio, and Unguia); Metropolitan West area of Medellin (municipalities of Barbosa, Bello and Copacabana); and the following communes in Valle de Aburra 5,6,7,11,12,13 and 16.

Statistics (June 30, 2023): Churches, 187; membership, 22,167; population, 5,038,203 (online statistics).


Telephone: 57 (604) 358-0553.

E-mail: show.

Website: https://www.asocentro.org.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asocentro7.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asocentro7.

Media/Streaming: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ7O-QS8ehg6N7qlG5GCGgQ.

X: https://X.com/asocentro7.

Address: Calle 45FF 77A-74; Barrio Los Cedros; Medellin, Antioquia; Colombia.


President, Misael A Hernandez.

Secretary, Javier W Gaviria.

Treasurer, Roger A Gonzalez.


Children's Ministries, and Education, Jenny Aguirre.

Communication, Roger A Gonzalez.

Family Ministries, and Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Misael Hernandez.

Health Ministries, and Women's Ministries, Maribel Quintero.

Ministerial Association (and Evangelism), Misael Hernandez; Ministerial Spouses Association, Jenny Aguirre.

Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Jorge L Garcia, Libardo Vaca.

Stewardship Ministries, Libardo Vaca.

Youth Ministries, Jorge L Garcia.

Other Ministries and Services:

Auditing Service, Edgar Borja.


ADRA, Roger A Gonzalez.

System Codes: EntityID: 14039; OrgMastID: AGCW11; AdmFieldID: WCCM.